Our goal is to help individuals take control of their own health - and that of their loved ones - by providing a safe place where they can easily organise all their health records in an accessible and secure manner that allows them to have things under control, keeping ownership of their data.
Use cases
Key features
Manage your documents in one place
It is important to take responsibility for your own health. My Medic Eye makes it easy for you by putting together all your information in a single smart app.

Store your information safely
You should be the owner of your medical data, instead of leaving it to doctors, insurance companies and governments, keep it all together and accessible in your own private and safe environment.
Access your history quickly
It is easier to manage your health when all your issues are kept together in one place, organised by your own life events, shown in charts and with alerts.

Take care of your loved ones
Make taking care of your elderly an easier task by co-managing records with siblings. Having access to history is critical, and setting easy reminders for elderly to receive will make you feel secure.
Share the information with whoever you want
Keep an eye on your family. Parents can share kid’s history and future needs. The full records can then be easily transferred to grown children.

Don't forget the important things
The times where you had to squeeze your brain, search for old test results, wonder whether it’s time for a check-up or what medication your loved ones used to take are over.


You can make notes for any particular issue you wish to track. Just click on create a note and you will be able to enter text or upload files for a particular date.
This will allow for any personal issues we have not yet considered on our app (although any feedback for further functionality is welcome).
Some ideas for the use of notes are:
. Comments on children’s progress
. Notes on sleep quality
. Tracking menus for allergy/intolerance detection
. …
Notes can be searched through by dates, folders or key words.

You can record each diagnosis that you receive from a healthcare professional, whether it is for a permanent or a temporary condition. You can add the date the diagnosis was made and the Doctor who made it.

Test results
Test results are divided into 8 main categories:
. X-Ray
. Ecography
. Other imagery (such as MRI)
. Lab test (such as blood or urine)
. Biopsies
. Vaccines
. Other tests
Within each category, you will find a list of standard tests to choose from. However, you are not limited to that list and can add your own tests if you do not find what you were looking for.
Any tests you create will be permanently added to your own personalised list. However, they cannot be removed, you can just choose not to select them.
You can easily reduce the list for selection by starting to type letters of the word you are looking for.

It is sometimes a hassle to have to open several test results in order to find out how some constants are evolving. This is why we have created constant tracking, and we will plot any number you wish.
There are 2 main categories of values:
. those coming from lab tests, that we will directly pull out of them in the future, but that you can manually add to each lab test for the time being. A common example is cholesterol levels.
. those related to physical measurements such as height, weight, blood pressure, intraocular pressure, dioptres of each eye, hours of sleep, a 1.2.3 rank of your stress that you define yourself, liters of water you drink per day, or virtually anything else you can think of! …
Within each category, you will find a list of standard tests to choose from. However, you are not limited to that list and can add your own values if you do not find what you were looking for.
Any values you create will be permanently added to your own personalised list. However, they cannot be removed, you can just choose not to select them.
You can easily reduce the list for selection by starting to type letters of the word you are looking for.

Doctor appointments
You can add your doctor’s appointments to your calendar, with as many alerts per appointment as you wish (for example you might want to be reminded one week before, one day before and one hour before). You can introduce doctor details such as their address, telephone number, as well as any notes you wish to be reminded of on the alert such as brushing your teeth before the dentist or fasting before a test.
Doctor’s details you create will be saved into your own personal doctors contact list. You can edit their details by selecting the Doctor List menu option.
Doctor lists are held by user, so you can easily share the same doctors with other members of the family without reentering them twice if you wish to do so.
Alerts are also held by device, so you can share your appointments with other members of the family for their information without then getting the actual alerts if they don’t need them.
If you do want to get an alert for another person’s appointment you will have to edit it on your device.

You can introduce all the medication you are taking with its dosage and time frame. You can select the appropriate medication from a list that includes both common commercial names and its active ingredients. You will be able to shorten the standard list by starting to type the part of the name you are looking for. However, if you do not find the medication you need on the list, you can manually add it.
Any medication you create will be permanently added to your own personalised list. However, it cannot be removed, you can just choose not to select it again.
Remember that we want to be flexible in order for you to manage all your health related issues, so you may wish to include in this area any other important elements of your diet that might need reminders or tracking, such as homeopathic treatments, or even a reminder to drink a glass of water every couple of hours! It is all up to you.


Every registered user can manage their own profile or that of others, whether they are dependent members of the family or have willingly shared their data.
Profiles are kept totally separate, and you can know what profile you are in by looking at the picture on the top right.hand corner of the screen at all times. This will avoid any mix.ups and is why it is important to add a profile picture for every profile if you are sharing more than one.
For every profile, appart for medical records including results, vaccines, surgeries, notes, treatments, appointments and reminders, there is a Health Summary with basic details such as name and picture, and important information including blood type, allergies, chronic diseases, etc. This health summary can be completed and edited from the Profile menu option.

You can share your profile with anyone you wish. This action will be your responsibility and is an important decision, since the person will have access to all your health history.
Access can be granted at 3 different levels:
. view only
. editing
. editing and sharing, which means the person can in turn share your profile with someone else at their discretion.
Be sure to grant the appropriate privileges to each person.
You can also revoke privileges if you change your mind.
All sharing of information is managed from the Profile menu option or using the photo icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen.


Signing up
You can easily sign up as a user.
Users contain login information only.
Every user will be able to handle one or many profiles for each of the people they care of.
Profiles contain personal medical information o an individual.
A profile can be co-managed by various users.
You can see all the registration process on the video below.

Your Doctors
You can create your own list of frequently used doctors with their contact details, opening hours, etc.
You can also assign these doctors to all the profiles that you manage, so that all the family can share the same doctors.
Coming soon
We are working on many more exciting features that we hope to bring to you very soon.
We would also greatly appreciate your feedback. Please feel free to send us any comments and be sure we will take them into account: contact form.