About us

Who we are

We are a small company born in Barcelona, Spain, in the summer of 2020.


Meet our team:

Yuval Barak

Marketing Manager

Google Adds Expert

Emergency Medic

Dr. Estrella Barak, MD

Medical Advisor

Master in Public Health

Master in Psychiatry

Yael Azagury


Career in Digital


Antuan Bordons


Lead multiple

startup dev teams

Clemens Rossberg

Interim CFO

Serial Entrepreneur

Financing Expert

Josep Ponsa


UX Expert

University Teacher

Jordi Pereta

Technology Advisor

Headed 50+ people

e-commerce dev team

Our brand and logo

Why My Medic Eye?

 Because we want to give you a tool that allows you to keep an eye on your health, an intelligent folder that makes all information easily available and organised in a logical way according to your personal history.

The story of our logo is actually fun too:

try to find the 4 objects that compose it before you read on!


Did you find them?

Two open paperclips: paperclip for organising your folder.

An eye…. to keep an eye on your health.

The open clips are also entangled hearts, because you show your loved ones that you care by sharing responsibility over their health.

And obviously a cross since, after all, we are talking about health here.

Yes, the colours also have a meaning!

Blue for health, but also for the sea, since we are a Spanish company, based in Barcelona, and the Mediterranean Sea represents well our family-centred culture.


Purple for innovation, as we want to make a contribution to patients’ responsibility over their health and the ownership of their data.

Our Story

In March 2020, sitting at home during the lockdown, I kept reading the same WhatsApp exchanges between my 86-year-old Dad who was convalescing after Covid, and my Doctor sister, in our family group:
Dad: “my potassium levels are high”
Sister: “how were they last year before Covid?”
Dad: “No idea…. I’ll try to find that…”.
About the same time, I found time to read Yuval Harari’s wonderful book “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”. It opened my eyes to how important it is to keep ownership of one’s personal information, especially all health-related information, and how readily we hand it over to government institutions, private medical centres or insurance companies.
I also read about how all medical institutions around the world were overwhelmed with the pandemic and, now more than ever, urge people to take responsibility for their own health, instead of relying on different doctors to remember every detail for them. 
And all of these different inputs got me thinking about how difficult it is to actually control one’s health but, even more so, to help more dependent members of our family.
Elderly parents usually have taken care of themselves for decades, and have their medical history stored in their heads but, what happens when they need our help? When doctors start asking their children what illnesses their parents might have suffered before they were even born, or what medication they take, what allergies they have? What happens when we cannot rest assured that our parents are taking their medicine correctly, or if they are mixing up or forgetting doses? And how can we remember all the follow-up visits we should program for ourselves, our young children, our elderly parents…? 
The same happens when our children become adults. My own children are 21 and 23 now. How can they tell their doctor about past issues if I was the one who took care of them for the past two decades and they obviously never took real interest?
All of this can be a real hassle, and there is nobody to help with it! And this is how the idea of My Medic Eye was born and became more clear by the day: an app thought out for the general public, not for health professionals, where information is owned by each user, and is encrypted even to its administrators. 
An app that gives you an all-around view of your health issues, from birth to old age, including all events, test results, medicine you have taken, doctors you have visited, reminders of annual check-ups, and charts to plot your constants. All of this information should be available at the blink of an eye, organised with customised folders according to each user’s personal history. 
An app with which you can share this information with other family members. Where you can build a health history for your children from the day they are born, and that you can hand them over when they become adults and become responsible for their own health. And with which you can share your own history with your children when you eventually need their help to cope. Eventually, an app where you can partially share information with your doctors without having to remember every detail off the top of your head during a consultation.
With the right tools, people could keep an eye on their health and that of their families, taking responsibility for it and keeping ownership of their data. The right tool needed to be above all secure and very easy to use!
With that in mind, before I took my first step forward, I knew I needed the best and brightest CTO and the best and brightest CPO to help me bring these ideas to life. 
And this is when I nervously contacted Jordi Pereta, an expert in web/app technologies, and Josep Ponsa, a user experience genius. Both are ex-colleagues who, over the years, also became personal friends. I was hoping they might share my excitement…
Jordi loved the concept immediately, having elderly parents himself, whose health he tries to co-manage with three other siblings, he was all in.
Josep on the other hand found the idea extremely useful for his young children, for whom he presently keeps physical folders where he tries to store their health events in chronological order… but what happens when it is his ex-wife who handles an issue?
And this is how our team was formed and, after 9 months of sleepless nights, My Medic Eye sees the light of day. We hope that it will prevent you, our reader, from any further sleepless nights spent thinking about health issues.
Now it’s your turn: please try us, send us feedback (we promise to respond!) and share us. With your collaboration, we can make our dream of improving quality of life come true for many. 

Yael Azagury